Un-painting the Renedra ramshackle barn

Perry barn

I had tons of fun tonight painting the Renadra barn to look unpainted.  And I’m really pleased with the way it has turned out.  Quite sharp, as one might say …

The Renedra ramshackle barn is a plastic kit aimed for use with 28mm figures. It only has a very few pieces, and so goes together very easily.

But it is the painting – er, un-painting – that is the most fun.   This is my recipe for painting something to look like it hasn’t seen a lick of paint for some years:

  1. Undercoat with a flat black spraypaint.
  2. Apply a heavy dry-brush of medium grey student’s acrylic paint all over the whole model.
  3. Wash random boards and tiles with a range of different ink/wash colours (I used four inks: sepia, devlan mud, black and even some red ink).
  4. Go round all edges of door frames, barge boards, windows etc with devlan mud ink to give an impression of shadows.
  5. Wash the entire roof with devlan mud ink to pick out the tiles.
  6. Paint in the rusty hinges, hanging ropes and other details. 
  7. Cover everything (walls, doors, roof … the lot) with a light white dry brush.
  8. Go over the roof tiles again with a light green dry brush.

And that’s it.  Apart from the black spraypaint, which I left to dry for a whole day, the rest took me only about an hour!

barn 3

16 thoughts on “Un-painting the Renedra ramshackle barn

  1. A very nice job Roly. Don’t be surprised if I use your recipe at some date in the future so many thanks in advance.

    A small point – I think that the Ramshackle Barn (and the Weather Board American Church) are not products of Perry Miniatures but rather of Renedra Limited who I think make the Perry plastic offerings.

    I look forward to your version of the Weather Board American Church … and your recipe for painting it! 8O)

    von Peter himself

  2. I’ve been trying to get this right for years with varying success…this recipe looks great! But what is a “light dry WASH”?

I hope I've given you something to think about - please do leave a comment with your thoughts or reactions.