My NZ Wars scenario comes second in Too Fat Lardies competition

I mentioned earlier that I had submitted a New Zealand Wars scenario (using the Sharp Practice rules) into the Too Fat Lardies’ scenario competition. 

Well, it made second place, and a link to the PDF has just been published on the Lard Island blog:

The topic for the scenario is the Flagstaff War, so its perfect for Empress Miniatures’ new range (of which my first order is on its way down here as I type).

The scenario concerns Hone Heke and Kawiti’s raid on the town of Kororareka in 1846.  I’ve written a backgrounder, briefings for both sides and umpire’s notes.  I’ve tried to replicate the light and airy tone of  the Too Fat Lardies’ other Sharp Practice scenarios … hopefully I’ve succeeded. 

Please bear in mind I am no historian, only a gamer.  So, yes, there probably are historical inaccuracies and liberties taken.  But for me, its all just a game!

So, please, go to the Lard Island blog, download the PDF,  and enjoy!

6 thoughts on “My NZ Wars scenario comes second in Too Fat Lardies competition

  1. I’d love to get back into ‘Sharp Practice’ too, Peter – and happy to so in Napoleonics as well as NZ Wars (the latter will be some time off before troops and scenery are ready, anyway!).

    And, yes, Joe – we want you to make the whole of Kororareka!

  2. Contgratulations, Roly. That is a fantastic scenario that I will surely play once I have painted enough miniatures.

    I am rather new to SP: the “Kia Kaha” (“stay strong”) cards are the Maori version of “Grasp the Nettle”?

    Cheers, Bjoern

  3. Yes, Bjoern. You’ll find the name of the ‘Grasp the Nettle’ card often changes for different periods or for armies, just to give some flavour.

I hope I've given you something to think about - please do leave a comment with your thoughts or reactions.