A business shirt for a Laffly AMD 50 armoured car


Desert patrol! The boxy shape of my newly painted Laffly AMD 50 armoured car leads a couple of Berliet VUDB personnel carriers into the far reaches of Morocco.

Doing justice to Mad Bob Miniatures’ wonderful model of the Laffly, was (as I thought it was going to be) quite a challenge, as I’ve never pained a camouflage pattern before. This is only the third-ever ‘modern’ vehicle I’ve even painted, generally being a dyed in the wool horse-and-musket wargamer.


I had quite a number of different real-life colour-schemes to select from. I liked this particular one, not only because of the complex pattern of wavy lines, but also the colourful insignia.

I painted the model overall dark green first, then added the black and tan camouflage colours. This was followed with an ink wash, then numerous dabs of paint with some foam packing material.

I used an AK-Interactive WW1 French paint set, but must say I was pretty disappointed with the poor coverage of these paints, even if shaken for ages. On a black background, it took many coats for the colour to really show, and on a light background even multiple coats still looked translucent.


I wanted my finished armoured car to look faded and battered, as if it had done many long patrols under the harsh desert sun and biting sandstorms of North Africa. Hopefully I’ve succeeded – though I’m not 100% sure if it does actually look like a real care-worn  vehicle, or just like a badly painted model?!


Also, I learned a valuable lesson – never squeeze an AK-Interactive bottle too hard if the paint won’t come out … because eventually it will, explosively! My armoured car’s paint job might have cost me a good business shirt!




9 thoughts on “A business shirt for a Laffly AMD 50 armoured car

  1. Looking good. If you don’t mind some advice from a painter of WW2 armour, there are some easy ways to improve the overall look of the vehicle. Firstly, I strongly recommend using lighter colours for a better ‘scale’ effect. Secondly, a light drybrush with a pale sand shows the lines of the vehicle better. If you want ‘worn’ then try ‘chipping’ – basically a darker colour that can be highlighted with silver or rust to show where paint has rubbed or been flaked off. Try also mottling or ‘chipping’ the decals as well (carefully) so that they look ‘aged’ as well. Finally, if you have access to an airbrush, a final very light ‘fliter’ such as a very pale sand really helps to make the vehicle look dusty. If I can add a link in here, here’s a sample with the ESCI Bishop kit: http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.com.au/2014/05/bishops-in-war.html with very heavy chipping before a final filter, and for a smaller French vehicle http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.com.au/2014/07/an-update.html

    1. Thanks for that useful advice, Doug. I did actually dry-brush (or, rather, dry-dab with some old packing foam) the models with sand and even white. I’ve put up a couple of daylight photos now that hopefully show that better.

      I know about the chipping technique, but haven’t dared do it yet!

      Likewise, all I dared to do with the decals so far is wash them with the ink to tone down the stark white.

      I don’t own an airbrush, so that technique will have to wait.

      And those are lovely models you’ve done!

      1. Taking your advice, I’ve done some more dry-brushing, including over he decals, and it has certainly improved the model. I’ve also added some headlight lenses made out of PVA glue – I’ll try to take pics tomorrow.

  2. One of my stepsons did the same with a Vallejo squeeze bottle. It did not help that his twin brother burst out laughing, which set me off and his mum was obviously trying her best to hold it in as she got him a wet cloth.

    1. It’s the first time I’ve done it. But having done so, I will be more careful. Not that it helped with the horrid wateryness of that paint …

  3. Hi Arteis ,nice wave pattern. As for the big burst of paint -stuff happens !!!
    I like to put newspaper everywhere . On the floor
    on the table and across my lap too – to guard against accidents, especially since my hobby room now has most of the flat surfaces occupied by dioramas – and reduced to painting at the dining room table -my wife would – firing squad me if I put paint on the carpet -hence the newspaper .

    Back in 2008 we travelled to Egypt and visited El -Alamein . The desert around there has lots of little scrubby plants – I was quite surprised as I did not expect it to be green at all .

    Keep it up Rolly -look forward to the next post.
    Nick Papadopoulos.

    1. If I had to prep the room first, I would probably end up never painting anything. I find it hard enough to motivate myself even with everything set out and ready to go!

  4. Roly I feel your pain. The other day I was applying wash from my newly bought bottle of GW wash, you know the new 24ml bottles, when I caught the edge with my brush and spilt three quarters of it into the painting tray. Luckily I missed my clothes and the floor, but…

    Great work on the WWII models.

I hope I've given you something to think about - please do leave a comment with your thoughts or reactions.